

The "PEye AlarmTool" is a back-office PC application used to receive, monitor, acknowledge, and comment on alarms.

For example, if an alarm is triggered at Table 1, it is sent to the respective person or group and also appears on the "PEye AlarmTool" simultaneously. The AlarmTool is intended to be in-stalled on back-office workstations. The alarms can be filtered so that only relevant calls for that workstation are received.

If incidents are recorded using "PEye ISSTable" at the gaming table, they can be commented on here after the incident is resolved. This allows for accurate documentation of actions such as goodwill payments.
The "PEye AlarmTool" docks in the upper left corner of the screen and is typically invisible except for a small flag. In the event of an alarm, a small window opens in front of all other applications.

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